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Tuesday 5 February 2013

IBM Information Management Certifications

The IBM IMS Database element stores information using a hierarchical model, which is quite different from IBM's later launched relational database, DB2. (DB2 gets its name because IMS, which was designed first, was DB1.) In IMS, the hierarchical model is applied using prevents of information known as segments. Each segment can contain several parts of information, which are known as fields. For example, a client database may have a main segment (or the segment at the top of the hierarchy) with fields such as phone, name and age. Kid segment may be included beneath another segment, for example, one purchase section under each client section comprising each purchase a client has placed with an organization. Furthermore, each purchase segment may have many kids segment s for each product on the deal. As opposed to other directories, you do not need to determine all of the information in a segment to IMS. A section may be described with a dimension 40 bytes but only determine one area that is six bytes lengthy as a key field that you can use to discover the segment when doing inquiries. IMS will recover and preserve all 40 bytes as instructed by a system but may not comprehend (or care) what the other bytes signify. In exercise, often all information in a segment may map to a COBOL copybook. Besides DL/I question utilization, a field may be described in IMS so that the information can be invisible from certain programs for protection factors. The database part of IMS can be bought separate, without the deal administrator element and used by techniques such as CICS.
There are three primary types of IMS hierarchical databases:

Full Function Databases

·         Directly descended from the Data Language Interface (DL/I) databases initially developed for Apollo. Full function databases can have basic and secondary indexes, contacted using DL/I call from your application program, like SQL calls to DB2 or Oracle.
·         Full function databases can have a range of access methods, although Hierarchical Direct (HDAM) and Hierarchical Indexed Direct (HIDAM) rule.
·         The other layouts are Simple Hierarchical Indexed Sequential (SHISAM), Hierarchical Sequential (HSAM), and Hierarchical Indexed Sequential (HISAM).
·         Full function databases store data using VSAM, a native z/OS access technique, or Overflow Sequential (OSAM), an IMS-specific access technique that optimizes the I/O channel program for IMS access patterns. In particular, OSAM performance benefits from chronological access of IMS databases (OSAM Sequential Buffering).

Fast Path Databases

Fast Path databases are optimized for tremendously high transaction rates. Data Entry Databases (DEDBs) and Main Storage Databases (MSDBs) are the two kinds of fast path databases. Neither provides any indexing. Virtual Storage Option (VSO) DEDBs can replace MSDBs in contemporary IMS releases, so MSDBs are slowly disappearing.

High Availability Large Databases (HALDBs)

IMS V7 initiated HALDBs, an addition of IMS full function databases to offer better availability, better handling of tremendously large data volumes, and, with IMS V9, online reorganization to support uninterrupted accessibility. (Third party tools exclusively offered online reorganization prior to IMS V9.) A HALDB can store in surplus of 40 terabytes of data.
Related Exams
Followings are the some exam codes related to IBM IMS issued by IBM:
·         000-036
·         000-443
·         000-546
·         000-730
·         000-M66
·         000-M68
·         000-M70
·         000-M71
·         000-M72
·         000-M73
·         000-M75
·         000-M77

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